The Best Reasons To Register Your Marriage In India

Court Marriage Mumbai
2 min readOct 6, 2021


The Supreme Court of India made it a legal need to register all marriages, making it a vital document to verify your relationship with your partner. In today’s world, with ever-changing regulations, registering your marriage is a critical step that must be completed as soon as the wedding ceremonies are over.

Here’s all you need to know about registering your wedding in India if you’re an Indian who wants a court marriage followed by a private ceremony or if you’ve just married.

Registering your wedding not only protects both partners, but it also makes things go more smoothly in a country where regulations are always changing. It makes it easier for couples to go abroad on a spouse visa, and a marriage certificate is required when seeking for residence in another nation.

A marriage certificate is one of the necessary papers required by a bank or lending authority for couples who want to buy a shared property or apply for a house loan.

Is Religion Important While Registering Your Marriage?

The Hindu Marriage Act will be used to register the marriage if both partners are Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, or Buddhists. If one of the partners is Muslim, Christian, Parsi, or Jewish, however, the marriage must be registered under the Special Marriage Act. Even if registering under any of these Acts has no bearing on the validity of a marriage, the registration process can differ.

Both partners must apply to the Sub-Registrar in whose jurisdiction the marriage was solemnised, or to the Registrar in whose jurisdiction either of the partners has resided for more than six months, according to the Hindu Marriage Act. The Special Marriage Act, on the other hand, requires both partners to provide a 30-day notice to the Sub-Registrar in whose jurisdiction at least one of the partners has resided.

If you are residing in Mumbai, you can register for Marriage Certificate Mumbai online.



Court Marriage Mumbai
Court Marriage Mumbai

Written by Court Marriage Mumbai


Choose the secure or no-objection way of getting married with your partner i.e. Court Marriage. After court marriage in Mumbai get your legalized Marriage Certi

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